The General Directorate for Research and Innovation of the European Commission recently launched a broad campaign entitled “Tour de Capitales for the awareness raising campaign on knowledge valorisation“, which includes a series of events/conferences in the capitals of Member States, in the context of information and awareness of the European Research and Innovation Ecosystems, with the aim of:
- the broad adoption of the European Council recommendation regarding the guiding principles on knowledge valorisation (Recommendation 2022/2415).
- the dissemination, adoption and implementation of the EU recommendations on the Code of Practice for Intellectual Assets Management (Recommendation 2023/499) as well as the Code of Practice for Standardization in the European Research Area (Recommendation 2023/498)
These recommendations aim at the overall highlighting of all the individual parameters that contribute to the valorisation of knowledge resulting from research activities and the transformation of this knowledge into innovative products and services that contribute to strengthening the economy and competitiveness, digital transformation, addressing the climate change and unforeseen challenges and above all the cohesion, well-being and resilience of society. At the same time, the successful valorisation of knowledge is based on the substantial participation of the human resources active in the field of Research and Innovation, such as Businesses, academics/researchers, students, executives of Technology Transfer Offices and intermediary bodies and in general to all those in each field of activity that contribute to the successful transfer and valorisation of research results.
The valorisation of knowledge resulting from research activity and the collaboration between the entities of the quadruple helix in the context of the Entrepreneurial Discovery Process (EDP), are key elements of the Smart Specialization Strategy. Through the NSRF 2021-2027, the support of the 8 priority sectors presupposes the effective cooperation of all involved in technology transfer and utilization of experience and good practices from other countries.
Based on the aforementioned, the General Secretariat of Research and Innovation / Dir. of Research and Innovation Planning and Programming / Dept. of Innovation Planning, took the initiative in the context of the National Smart Specialization Strategy (NSSS) 2021-2027, as well as the monitoring of the RIS3 2014-2020, to actively participate in the campaign “Tour de Capitales for the awareness raising campaign on knowledge valorisation”, organizing an event in Athens, at the premises of the National Center for Scientific Research “DEMOKRITOS”, on Thursday, November 30, 2023.
The aim of the event is to inform about the guiding principles on knowledge valorization and the codes of practice for the intellectual assets’ management and standardization. Also, as part of the event, a special workshop will be held along with the presentation of good practices from other countries as well as trainings on intellectual assets management and standardization. The program of the event is attached.
The language of the event will be English.
The event will be in hybrid format, providing the possibility to participate in physical presence as well as remotely. To participate in the event, you must register by
1.Clicking on this link
2.Scanning the following QR code
You can watch the event remotely and submit questions via the following link:
Meeting ID: 847 4959 9961 Passcode: 340777