In line with the European Research Area (ERA) policy, the guidelines set by Horizon Europe, as well as the national and international institutional framework on gender equality, the GSRI drafted the 2022-2025 Action Plan for Gender Equality (APGE), comprising five axes, which reflect the GSRI priorities regarding the promotion of gender equality. The Action Plan sets out strategic goals, actions and timetables, designates competent officers and defines progress-monitoring indicators for each axis.

The APGE was developed by the GSRI Research and Innovation Policy Planning and Programming Directorate Department C – Innovation Action Planning and is available here.

It must be pointed out that the GSRI Action Plan is fully aligned with the 2021-2025 National Action Plan for Gender Equality (NAPGE) drawn up by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, which covers Research and Innovation actions launched by the Ministry of Development and Investments.