The GSRI, tasked with designing RTDI interventions under the 2021-2027 Programming Period, participates in:

Drawing-up the new Partnership Agreement (PA) for the Development Framework 2021-2027 in terms of the Research-Innovation sector. The new PA, with a budget of 26.1 billion €, was officially submitted on July 12, 2021 through the European Commission’s SFC2021 platform and was adopted on July 29, 2021. Link to: https://www.espa.gr/el/Pages/Sxediasmos21-27.aspx

Designing the Smart Specialization Strategy 2021-2027 (link to Smart Specialization section) in cooperation with the General Secretariat for Industry and under the coordination of the General Secretariat of Public Investment and NSRF, in conformity with Article 36 of Law 4712/2020. One of the key policy objectives under the new PA (policy objective 1) is to develop a smarter Europe through innovative & smart economic transformation. The GSRI, mainly responsible for developing RTDI actions, cooperates with co-competent departments in developing the Smart Specialization Strategy 2021-2027 as a comprehensive agenda for smart and innovative economic transformation. In order to identifty RTDI priorities under the Smart Specialization Strategy 2021-2027, the GSRI applies the Entrepreneurial Discovery process (link to Entrepreneurial Discovery).

Fulfilling enabling conditions, a prerequisite for mobilization of funds under the Partnership Agreement 2021-2027. Sound governance of the Smart Specialization Strategy is the single enabling condition for Policy Objective 1 interventions under the Partnership Agreement 2021-2027 (Link to Smart Specialization – Enabling Conditions).

Designing the RTDI interventions under the “Competitiveness” Operational Programme 2021-2027, which is the principal financial instrument to support research and innovation during this Programming Period.

RTDI interventions under the Partnership Agreement 2021-2027 are subject to the provisions of regulation (EU) 2021/1058 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 June 2021 on the European Regional Development Fund and on the Cohesion Fund, available at:


The GSRI is also responsible for implementing RTDI actions under the “Greece 2.0” National Recovery and Resilience Plan. Recovery Fund actions, with a budget of 444 million €, will address country-specific research and innovation needs which are not covered by the Partnership Agreement for regulatory reasons, such as basic research, or are related to important RTDI infrastructures with financial requirements exceeding the available PA budget, or result from geographical restrictions imposed by the PA that create insurmountable obstacles in terms of funding allocation.



The GSRI is also involved in designing the RTDI actions under the national Just Transition Development Plan 2021-2027 addressed to regions affected by de-lignification (Western Macedonia, Megalopoli-Peloponnese), as well as regions with high renewable energy potential (North and South Aegean, Crete).

Link: https://sdam.gr/home-page


The GSRI was actively involved in both the preparation and the implementation of the country’s development planning for the 2014-2020 period, as the competent entity for Thematic Objective 1 «Strengthening research, technological development and innovation». Its role consisted mainly in:

Contributing to the formulation of the country’s comprehensive strategic development plan for the 2014-2020 period, and specifically the Partnership Agreement (PA) for 2014-2020 in the field of Research, Technological Development and Innovation (RTDI). More specifically, the GSRI was tasked with:

Developing, in the context of the Partnership Agreement, the Research and Innovation Smart Specialization Strategy (RIS3), which was an ex-ante conditionality for receiving funding for investments in research, technological development and innovation during the 2014-2020 Programming Period (link to respective section);

Developing a Multiannual Financial Plan for Research Infrastructures, highlighting the country’s priorities for long-term investments in large-scale research infrastructures, in alignment with RIS priorities and taking into account the regional impact of these investments.

Updating and adapting the above through dynamic and open monitoring procedures throughout the 2014-2020 Programming Period.

Drawing up the Operational Plan(s) in the field of Research, Technological Development and Innovation, which constitute(s) the main financing instrument for RTDI activities during the 2014-2020 period.

Implementing and assessing Research, Technological Development and Innovation activities in the context of the different 2014-2020 operational programmes.